Human subjects research

  • All lab members engaged in research must complete the relevant human subjects training through CITI. A detailed list of relevant training courses is provided to new members as part of the lab’s internal onboarding materials.
  • If unsure if you are doing human subjects research, you can use the NIH Decision Tool
  • No personal identifiers should ever be associated with data recorded in the laboratory. This includes the 18 identifiers specified by HIPAA, as well as any other identifiers that could potentially be used to re-identify an individual.
  • All brain imaging data should be defaced prior to analysis and sharing. Behavioural data should not contain personal identifiers (such as for example Amazon Turk ID for data collected online).
  • Demographic data must be obtained for all subjects, in order to fulfill NIH inclusion reporting requirements and IRB documentation.
  • Redcap should be used for recruitment and screening, as well as e-consents.
  • IRB maintenance is done by the research coordinators or the person leading the project.
  • All projects considered a clinical trial should be posted on
  • For more information on ethics regarding human subject research, you can watch Stanford’s MED 255 videos on Biomedical Ethics