- The laboratory will generally fund the attendance of members to at least one conference per year, pending funding availability.
- While funding is usually tied to presenting at the meeting, in some cases the lab will fund members to attend who are not presenting, depending on the meeting location and funding availability.
- We regularly fund the attendance of research assistants to conferences as we think this is an essential aspect of their training experience.
- Conference abstract submissions must be completed at least one week before the final deadline, to allow coauthors sufficient time to review the submission.
- Lab members are encouraged to find satellite opportunities (such as hackathons or workshops) to maximize the benefit of their conference travel.
- Conferences we attend (roughly in order of frequency):
- Organization for Human Brain Mapping (our primary meeting)
- Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
- Society for Neuroscience
- Psychonomic Society
- Neuroeconomics
- Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS)