Poldracklab Software and Data

Our lab endeavors to make all of our research code openly available. None of this code is guaranteed to work outside of our local environment, and most of it is not built for portability, but if you use it and find any bugs, please let us know. Unless otherwise noted, all code is released under the unrestrictive MIT License

For additional information on our organized software development projects, see Informatics projects.

Github repositories

The Poldrack lab manages several GitHub organizations:

We are currently or have been heavily involved in the following organizations:

We also contribute to greater and lesser extents to many other projects, including:

For individual members’ GitHub profiles, see Lab members.

Software for tasks used in lab publications

Task software used in Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics (CNP)

Data/code/OSF pages for published papers


Bissett PG, Eisenberg IW, Shim S et al. (2024). Cognitive tasks, anatomical MRI, and functional MRI data evaluating the construct of self-regulation. Scientific Data, 11. OA DOI Data Code OSF

Mumford JA, Bissett PG, Jones HM, Shim S, Rios JAH, Poldrack RA (2024). The response time paradox in functional magnetic resonance imaging analyses. Nature Human Behaviour, 8, 349-360. DOI Data Code


Bissett PG, Jones HM, Hagen MP, Bui TT, Li JK, Rios JAH, Mumford JA, Shine JM, Poldrack RA (2023). A dual-task approach to inform the taxonomy of inhibition-related processes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49, 277-289. OA DOI Data Code OSF

Jaffe PI, Poldrack RA, Schafer RJ, Bissett PG (2023). Modelling human behaviour in cognitive tasks with latent dynamical systems. Nature Human Behaviour, 7, 986-1000. DOI Data Code

Thomas AW, Ré C, Poldrack RA (2023). Benchmarking explanation methods for mental state decoding with deep learning models. NeuroImage, 273, 120109. OA DOI Code


Beam E, Potts C, Poldrack RA, Etkin A (2021). A data-driven framework for mapping domains of human neurobiology. Nature Neuroscience, 24, 1733-1744. OA DOI Data Code

Bissett PG, Hagen MP, Jones HM, Poldrack RA (2021). Design issues and solutions for stop-signal data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study. eLife, 10. OA DOI Code

Bissett PG, Jones HM, Poldrack RA, Logan GD (2021). Severe violations of independence in response inhibition tasks. Science Advances, 7. OA DOI Data Code

Mazza GL, Smyth HL, Bissett PG et al. (2021). Correlation Database of 60 Cross-Disciplinary Surveys and Cognitive Tasks Assessing Self-Regulation. Journal of Personality Assessment, 103, 238-245. OA DOI Data


Bielczyk NZ, Ando A, Badhwar A et al. (2020). Effective Self-Management for Early Career Researchers in the Natural and Life Sciences. Neuron, 106, 212-217. OA DOI OSF

Lurie DJ, Kessler D, Bassett DS et al. (2020). Questions and controversies in the study of time-varying functional connectivity in resting fMRI. Network Neuroscience, 4, 30-69. DOI OSF


Aridan N, Malecek NJ, Poldrack RA, Schonberg T (2019). Neural correlates of effort-based valuation with prospective choices. NeuroImage, 185, 446-454. OA DOI Data

Botvinik-Nezer R, Iwanir R, Holzmeister F, Huber J, Johannesson M, Kirchler M, Dreber A, Camerer CF, Poldrack RA, Schonberg T (2019). fMRI data of mixed gambles from the Neuroimaging Analysis Replication and Prediction Study. Scientific Data, 6. OA DOI Data

Eisenberg IW, Bissett PG, Zeynep Enkavi A, Li J, MacKinnon DP, Marsch LA, Poldrack RA (2019). Uncovering the structure of self-regulation through data-driven ontology discovery. Nature Communications, 10. OA DOI Data Code OSF

Enkavi AZ, Eisenberg IW, Bissett PG, Mazza GL, MacKinnon DP, Marsch LA, Poldrack RA (2019). Large-scale analysis of test–retest reliabilities of self-regulation measures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 5472-5477. OA DOI Data OSF

King M, Hernandez-Castillo CR, Poldrack RA, Ivry RB, Diedrichsen J (2019). Functional boundaries in the human cerebellum revealed by a multi-domain task battery. Nature Neuroscience, 22, 1371-1378. OA DOI Data


Bakkour A, Botvinik-Nezer R, Cohen N, Hover AM, Poldrack RA, Schonberg T (2018). Spacing of cue-approach training leads to better maintenance of behavioral change. PLOS ONE, 13, e0201580. OA DOI OSF

Eisenberg IW, Bissett PG, Canning JR et al. (2018). Applying novel technologies and methods to inform the ontology of self-regulation. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 101, 46-57. OA DOI OSF

Lam M, Trampush JW, Yu J et al. (2018). Multi-Trait Analysis of GWAS and Biological Insights Into Cognition: A Response to Hill (2018). Twin Research and Human Genetics, 21, 394-397. DOI OSF

Poldrack RA, Monahan J, Imrey PB, Reyna V, Raichle ME, Faigman D, Buckholtz JW (2018). Predicting Violent Behavior: What Can Neuroscience Add?. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22, 111-123. OA DOI OSF

Wimmer GE, Li JK, Gorgolewski KJ, Poldrack RA (2018). Reward Learning over Weeks Versus Minutes Increases the Neural Representation of Value in the Human Brain. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 7649-7666. OA DOI OSF


Esteban O, Birman D, Schaer M, Koyejo OO, Poldrack RA, Gorgolewski KJ (2017). MRIQC: Advancing the automatic prediction of image quality in MRI from unseen sites. PLOS ONE, 12, e0184661. OA DOI OSF

Poldrack RA, Baker CI, Durnez J, Gorgolewski KJ, Matthews PM, Munafò MR, Nichols TE, Poline J, Vul E, Yarkoni T (2017). Scanning the horizon: towards transparent and reproducible neuroimaging research. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 18, 115-126. OA DOI OSF


Poldrack R, Congdon E, Triplett W et al. (2016). A phenome-wide examination of neural and cognitive function. Scientific Data, 3. OA DOI Data


Laumann T, Gordon E, Adeyemo B et al. (2015). Functional System and Areal Organization of a Highly Sampled Individual Human Brain. Neuron, 87, 657-670. OA DOI Data

Poldrack RA (2015). Is “efficiency” a useful concept in cognitive neuroscience?. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 11, 12-17. OA DOI Code

Poldrack RA, Laumann TO, Koyejo O et al. (2015). Long-term neural and physiological phenotyping of a single human. Nature Communications, 6. OA DOI Data Code


Davis T, LaRocque KF, Mumford JA, Norman KA, Wagner AD, Poldrack RA (2014). What do differences between multi-voxel and univariate analysis mean? How subject-, voxel-, and trial-level variance impact fMRI analysis. NeuroImage, 97, 271-283. OA DOI Code

Helfinstein SM, Schonberg T, Congdon E, Karlsgodt KH, Mumford JA, Sabb FW, Cannon TD, London ED, Bilder RM, Poldrack RA (2014). Predicting risky choices from brain activity patterns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111, 2470-2475. OA DOI Data

White CN, Congdon E, Mumford JA, Karlsgodt KH, Sabb FW, Freimer NB, London ED, Cannon TD, Bilder RM, Poldrack RA (2014). Decomposing Decision Components in the Stop-signal Task: A Model-based Approach to Individual Differences in Inhibitory Control. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26, 1601-1614. OA DOI Data

White CN, Poldrack RA (2014). Decomposing bias in different types of simple decisions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40, 385-398. DOI Data Code


Poldrack RA, Mumford JA, Schonberg T, Kalar D, Barman B, Yarkoni T (2012). Discovering Relations Between Mind, Brain, and Mental Disorders Using Topic Mapping. PLoS Computational Biology, 8, e1002707. OA DOI Code

Schonberg T, Fox CR, Mumford JA, Congdon E, Trepel C, Poldrack RA (2012). Decreasing Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Activity During Sequential Risk-Taking: An fMRI Investigation of the Balloon Analog Risk Task. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6. DOI Data


Xue G, Aron AR, Poldrack RA (2008). Common Neural Substrates for Inhibition of Spoken and Manual Responses. Cerebral Cortex, 18, 1923-1932. DOI Data


Tom SM, Fox CR, Trepel C, Poldrack RA (2007). The Neural Basis of Loss Aversion in Decision-Making Under Risk. Science, 315, 515-518. DOI Data


Aron AR, Gluck MA, Poldrack RA (2006). Long-term test–retest reliability of functional MRI in a classification learning task. NeuroImage, 29, 1000-1006. OA DOI Data

Foerde K, Knowlton BJ, Poldrack RA (2006). Modulation of competing memory systems by distraction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103, 11778-11783. OA DOI Data


Poldrack RA, Clark J, Paré-Blagoev EJ, Shohamy D, Creso Moyano J, Myers C, Gluck MA (2001). Interactive memory systems in the human brain. Nature, 414, 546-550. DOI Data