- We affirm the importance and value of engaging with non-expert audiences, and support the efforts of lab members in service of science communication. We encourage lab members to work to develop their science communication skills and to seek out opportunities to engage with the public about science.
- In some cases, laboratory findings may be of sufficient public interest to warrant a University press release. In these cases we will work with the University’s public relations team to develop a press release. In our interactions with the public relations team, we will express our intent to not exaggerate or oversimplify the findings.
- If we are contacted by members of the press about our research, we will try to make ourselves available for comment to the extent possible. We will work to use accessible language while also communicating the nuances of our work. We may ask journalists to send us paraphrased versions of our quotes to check them for accuracy before the publication of any article, though we recognize that some journalists might not be willing to do so.