Code of conduct

All lab members and guests are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct. In addition, all Stanford University affiliates are required to adhere to the University Code of Conduct. For definitions of an act of intolerance & hate crime escalation policy please see this page on University AOI. If you wish to speak with someone outside of the lab regarding an incident that occurred in or outside of the lab, the university has this list of resources.

Statement of intent

Our lab is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment for any form of identity such as but not limited to: sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, disability including mental illness, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (including the lack thereof), or socioeconomic status. We do not tolerate harassment of lab members or guests in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any lab event or venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media.

Details of Lab Code of Conduct

  1. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to a person’s identity or presentation of their identity. This can include denigrating comments, microaggressions, or consistent interruption during talks or presentations
  2. Sexual harassment includes: displays of sexual images in public lab spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking/ following, coerced photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Responding to incidents

  1. Lab members asked to stop any misconduct are expected to comply immediately. Justification for the request does not need to be provided, nor does the reporting party of the incident need to be identified.
  2. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact Dr. Poldrack as soon as possible. Anonymous comments may also be made to Dr. Poldrack using this form. If you are not comfortable contacting him directly, you may report your concerns to one of the relevant Stanford University offices that are prepared to respond to harassment complaints.
  3. We expect lab members to follow this code of conduct at conferences and workshops and related social events, and whenever they are representing the lab in a professional context.
  4. When lab members are invited to participate in a professional event, they are expected to inquire regarding the steps that the organizers are taking to ensure diversity prior to accepting any invitation. This includes declining participation in exclusionary events such as panels or talks. For example, men in the lab should avoid participating in all-men panels whenever possible, keeping in mind that this may be more achievable for senior versus junior lab members.

Adapted from